
[솔루션] 현대대수학, 추상대수학 Abstract Algebra an Introduction / Hungerford / Cengage Learning

하데스네 2020. 10. 21. 16:45
[솔루션] 현대대수학, 추상대수학 Abstract Algebra an Introduction / Hungerford / Cengage Learning
 abstract algebra an.pdf

해당 자료는 해피레포트에서 유료결제 후 열람이 가능합니다.
분량 : 208 페이지 /pdf 파일
설명 : 현대대수학 추상대수학에 해당하는 솔루션입니다.

abstract algebra an introduction 3rd edition


Cengage learning
Chapter 1 Arithmetic in ℤ Revisited
Chapter 2 Congruence in ℤ and Modular Arithmetic
Chapter 3 Rings
Chapter 4 Arithmetic in F[x]
Chapter 5 Congruence in F[x] and Congruence-Class Arithmetic
Chapter 6 Ideals and Quotient Rings
Chapter 7 Groups
Chapter 8 Normal Subgroups and Quotient Groups
Chapter 9 Topics in Group Theory
Chapter 10 Arithmetic in Integral Domains
Chapter 11 Field Extensions
Chapter 12 Galois Theory
Chapter 13 Public-Key Cryptography
Chapter 14 The Chinese Remainder Theorem
Chapter 15 Geometric Constructions
Chapter 16 Algebraic Coding Theory
출처 : 해피레포트 자료실