Longman Academic Reading Series 3 솔루션 문제답안지 |
영어2 답지.pdf |
해당 자료는 해피레포트에서 유료결제 후 열람이 가능합니다. |
분량 : 17 페이지 /pdf 파일 |
설명 : Longman Academic Reading Series 3 문제 답안지 입니다. Longman Academic Reading Series는 대학 수준의 학습자들이 학업에 필요한 Academic 읽기를 성공적으로 마스터할 수 있는 5단계 Reading 시리즈입니다. Critical Reading, Vocabulary, Note-taking, Critical Thinking 등 필수적인 Skills와 Strategies를 학습하여 효과적이고 자신감 있는 Reader가 될 수 있도록 합니다. Reading과 관련하여 쓰고, 토의하면서 Speaking 과 Writing도 함께 연습할 수 있습니다. |
Chapter 1 BUSINESS: Steve Jobs, Innovator and CEO Reading OneThe Extraordinary Life of Steve Jobs Reading TwoThe Pixar Story Reading ThreeThe Map of Innovation Chapter2 PSYCHOLOGY: Fear and Phobias Reading OneWhen Does a Fear Become a Phobia? Reading TwoCase Studies Reading ThreeTreatments for Phobias Chapter3 NUTRITION STUDIES: Food Rules Reading OneAn Interview with Michael Pollan Reading TwoBad Food? Tax It, and Subsudize Vegetables Reading ThreeHumane Treatment of Animals We Eat Chapter4 MEDICINE: Pioneers and Heroes Reading OneThe Hippocratic Oath -- A Modern Version Reading TwoThe Invisible Enemy Reading ThreeThat Mothers Might Live Chapter5 AMERICAN LITERATURE: Ernest Hemingways "Indian Camp" Reading OneIndian Camp -- Part I Reading TwoIndian Camp -- Part II Reading ThreeHemingways Style Chapter6 ART HISTORY: The Life and Letters of Vincent Van Gogh Reading OneA Biography of Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) Reading TwoThe Letters of Vincent Van Gogh Reading Three "Portrait of Dr. Gachet: " A Timeline Chapter7 FORENSICS: Science and Fiction Reading OneBasic Pinciples of Forensics Reading TwoThe ""CSI" Effect" Is a Mixed Blessing for Real Crime Labs Reading ThreeThe Forensic Use of DNA Chapter8 PREHISTORY: From Wolf to Dog Reading OneMore Than Mans Best Friend Reading TwoDomesticating Wolves Reading ThreeFrisky to the Rescue in Hurrica...(하략) |
출처 : 해피레포트 자료실 |
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