
독후감 자료실 고도를 기다리며 독후감(영문 독후감) DownLoad

하데스네 2021. 12. 26. 08:42

독후감 자료실 고도를 기다리며 독후감(영문 독후감) DownLoad

독후감 자료실 고도를 기다리며 독후감(영문 독후감)

[독후감] 고도를 기다리며 독후감(영문 독후감)

At first, I was perplexed because of the proceed of story with two heroes` meaningless dialog. What means their dialog. Are they crazy? I just confused through the story.
The heroes, Estragon and Vladimir keep on living waiting for Godot whom they have never been met before and whether he comes or not. They always find interesting things and spend time in talking, for they dislike boring. They live for wasting time not waste for living. When they couldn`t meet Godot , they chose suicide. But they can not die according to their intents. Because their is no a string. They think they`ll bring back strings tomorrow, but they`ll forget that soon. From that, their life goes on. The plot is continued by the lack of the relation of cause and effect. In psychoanalytic, there is defense mechanism(방어기제) phenomenon that person usually can`t remember certain memory which they like to forget. There happens lost of Pozzo`s pipe, clock and the other things and Lucky become a deafness without reason. And Estragon`s shoes are changed other one.
Finally, Pozzo lose his identity one by one. There is more absurdities. The severance of the communication is also absurd. Therefore everything is full of doubt and it makes me other things like two men. The heroes look like dementia patients and their minds are off and on. It is unbelievable even to normal Vladimir.
The most questionable character was Lucky. First, I wondered his entity. Where he came from, why he was a Pozzo`s slave and what relationship is between them, Pozzo and Lucky. The stuffy thing is also Estragon and Vladimir. Owing to their living in different world, they can`t understand each other well. Especially Estragon, he forget past even yesterday`s incident. So Vladimir`s explanation is an empty dream for him. He says to Vladimir I can`t understand you. We should better say good-bye. I`m going. But they always together. If they were separated each other, Estragon couldn`t live without Vladimir. Knowing that Vladimir understands and accepts his everything and embrace it by hugging.
Then, what is the meaning of Godot? In my opinion, Godot is an ideal which finds their identity for them. They waiting for Godot so that find their memory. If they meet Godot, they become a memorable person who can remember yesterday. If there is exists Godot or not, they maybe wait for Godot till the last moment who don`t have memory and live with hope. I was heavy heart because of their languid and unpromising life. I cannot like tragic character. So I wanted to forget the fact that I need this play like them.

자료출처 : https://www.ALLReport.co.kr/search/Detail.asp?xid=a&kid=b&pk=11037468&sid=leesk55&key=


문서분량 : 1 Page
파일종류 : HWP 파일
자료제목 : 독후감 자료실 고도를 기다리며 독후감(영문 독후감)
파일이름 : [독후감] 고도를 기다리며 독후감(영문 독후감).hwp
키워드 : 독후감,고도를,기다리며,영문,자료실
자료No(pk) : 11037468